An idea sparkled in my mind but a stupid prospect of implementation. I was sure it would not work and it did not. The idea is: human eye captures the farther objects with the help of binoculars, why not to put that into a photograph with camera ? but how ? I thought instead on retina, can’t it be projected on a mirror and take the photo of image in the mirror ? It is indeed stupid, because the mirror should be as close as to the binocular contact lens and you could not even see the projection in the mirror, then how can the photo be taken ? Ideas though seems stupid at first, if not stopped thinking they evolve and become realistic and work out. I stopped it initially but later after sometime thinking about the same finally lead to ‘why can’t the aperture of the mobile camera be placed at the binocular contact lens and take the photo ?’ It worked ! Eventually it is nothing but a mobile camera with 500mm lens (binocular). The camera should be adjusted properly so that the image gets captured, also binocular and camera should be hold firmly at a time without any shake, it needs little patience.
Below are the images:
The image is taken with iphone directly, there is an eagle sitting on the coconut tree ( the spot is marked in red), the below is the zoomed version of the same image; as expected it is not visible, this clearly shows that the eagle is sitting too far from the capture point.
The below are the two images taken with binocular + iphone,
Just to know how far the eagle is, look at the below image taken with Canon DSLR with 300mm zoom,
For sure, the DSLR images are clearer and better but photos taken with binocular-ed iphone are not bad and it is indeed an interesting thought and attempt !